
2024-04-19 13:48:37 资讯新闻网

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1、愿你像孩童般开心,像孩童般快乐! May you be as happy as a child, as happy as a child! 2、愿你拥有童心,快乐永远! Wish you have childlike innocence, happy forever! 3、祝你童趣无限、童心不改。 I wish you endless childlike fun and childlike innocence. 4、祝你开心愉快,青春永在。 I wish you happiness and youth forever. 5、六一儿童节,亲爱的大盆友,愿你快快乐乐! June 1 children's day, dear big pot friend, may you be happy! 6、愿你童颜永年少,祝六一儿童节快乐,愿童真永在。 Wish you little children and little Yongnian, wish children's day happy, and children's innocence forever. 7、勤奋学习学三好,刻苦钻研登高峰。 Study hard, study hard and reach the summit. 8、儿童节快乐,祝你永远保持一颗童真的心! Happy children's day, I wish you always maintain a childlike heart! 9、六一儿童节快到了,愿你保持幼稚享快乐。 Children's Day is coming. May you remain happy and happy. 10、送你一童真,愿你永青春。 Send you a childlike innocence, wish you eternal youth. 11、小朋友们节日快乐。 Happy holidays, children. 12、儿童节,愿美好时光明媚你心情。 Children's day, I wish you a good time to brighten your mood. 13、希望你永远都拥有童年般的笑颜,儿童节快乐! I hope you always have a childhood smile, happy children's Day! 14、愿你像孩子一样无忧无虑,美好如意。 May you be as carefree and happy as a child. 15、儿童节,愿你保持童真的心,露出率真的笑! On children's day, may you keep your childlike heart and show your sincere smile! 16、六一儿童节,送你一个风筝祝你鹏程万里。 On June 1, children's day, I'll send you a kite to wish you a bright future. 17、祝你童心常在,儿童节快乐! Happy children's Day! 18、祝愿你六一儿童节快乐,拥有童心,健康幸福到永远! I wish you a happy children's day, childlike innocence, health and happiness forever! 19、六一来到,听听童音,欢乐满怀。 When June 1 comes, listen to the children's voice, full of joy. 20、我的发小儿们,儿童节快乐! My children, happy children's Day! 21、亲爱的小宝,儿童节快乐! Dear Xiaobao, happy children's Day! 22、六一儿童节,愿你青春不褪色。 Children's day, may your youth fade. 23、六一儿童节祝你心情愉快,生活幸福美满! Children's day, may I wish you a happy mood and a happy life. 24、六一儿童节,愿你童心依旧,开心永远! Children's day, may your childlike innocence be happy forever! 25、祝你童颜大悦、童心荡漾。 I wish you a happy and childlike face. 26、祝福你,我的宝贝天天快乐。 Wish you, my baby happy every day. 27、愿你纯真笑,一笑心情好。 I wish you a pure smile and a good mood. 28、找到童年很初的梦想,赋予追逐的力量。 Find the initial dream of childhood, give the power to pursue. 29、祝你儿童节快乐,身体永远健康。 I wish you a happy children's day and good health forever. 30、祝儿童节快乐无限、幸福无比、健康永伴。 I wish children's Day happiness, happiness and health forever. 31、愿你,童心未泯,一切皆甜。儿童节快乐! May you have a childlike heart and everything is sweet. Happy children's Day! 32、愿你永远天真,永远被爱。 May you always be naive and loved. 33、六一儿童节快乐,愿你一生拥有童心,时常开心快乐! Happy children's day, may you have childlike innocence and happy life! 34、六一到了,快快丢下板着的面孔,回复到童真的怀抱。 June 1 is coming, quickly drop the face and return to the embrace of innocence. 35、宝贝你的欢笑,响彻整个家,节日快乐。 Baby, your laughter resounds through the whole family, happy holidays. 36、愿曾经的性格儿童,保持童趣*一。 I hope that the children who used to be children will keep their childlike interest first. 37、儿童节,愿美好时光明媚你心情! On children's day, may the good time brighten your mood! 38、六一儿童节来临之际,愿你童心未泯笑口常开! When the children's day comes, may your heart never fade away! 39、六一儿童节,亲爱的大朋友,愿你快快乐乐! Children's day, dear friends, may you be happy! 40、送你一份天真,让你陶醉。 Give you a naive, let you intoxicated. 41、小小的人儿,六一节快乐! Little people, happy June day! 42、祝你:烦恼抛弃,童真拾起。 I wish you: abandon troubles and pick up childlike innocence. 43、儿童节,请记住要保持孩子的心! Children's day, please remember to keep children's heart! 44、愿你保持一颗童心,祝你快乐无边! Wish you keep a childlike innocence, wish you happiness! 45、请怀着一颗童心快乐地工作和生活吧,六一快乐! Please work and live happily with a childlike heart, happy June 1st! 46、宝贝,儿童节快乐,一生幸福! Baby, happy children's day, happy life! 47、电影可以重放,童年无法重来,开心过好每一天。 Movies can be replayed, childhood can not be replayed, happy every day. 48、祝你儿童节快乐,天天快乐,永远都快乐! I wish you a happy children's day, happy every day, happy forever! 49、祝你童颜不老,生活幸福美好。 I wish you a happy life. 50、愿你怀着一颗童心享受生活,收获快乐。 May you enjoy life and harvest happiness with a childlike heart. 51、愿你青春不老,永保健康。 May you be young and healthy forever. 52、祝你儿童节快乐,象孩子般的笑口常开。 I wish you a happy children's day, like a child like smile. 53、愿你天天开心,时时快乐! May you be happy every day and always! 54、六一儿童节,记得保持童心! Children's day, remember to keep childish heart! 55、六一节,愿你时刻怀有纯真童心,无忧无虑生活。 On June 1, may you always have a childlike innocence and live a carefree life. 56、祝你儿童节快乐! Happy children's Day! 57、像大人一样思考,像小孩一样玩耍! Think like an adult and play like a child! 58、愿大龄儿童,保持童心*一。 May older children keep childlike innocence first. 59、六一节,让你拥有童话般的一切,六一快乐! June day, let you have all the fairy tale, happy June day! 60、六一儿童节,愿你快乐依旧,幸福久久。 Children's day, may you remain happy and long. 61、愿你真心祈祷,你我大家都好! May you sincerely pray that you and I are all well! 62、愿你拥有童趣,快乐美意。 May you have childlike fun, happiness and beauty.





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